Thursday, June 5, 2008

Maybe the Kids Have It Right?

Ever wonder why adults get so upset when kids - mainly teens - do things that the adults don't agree with? I mean, we were all teens at one point but seem to have forgotten a lot of good stuff as we grew up.

First, it seems that teens are using cell phones to send nude photos to each other. So this may be a questionable activity, I'm really interested in the reaction from the adults. "I just don't understand why kids would do a stupid thing like that," says one adult. Another says "It used to be that kids would make mistakes, and it was local and singular and everyone knew it was part of growing up." Well, just maybe, the kids know what they are doing and it's the adults who are way off here. No teens were quoted in this story and I'm wondering why. Are they just completely "stupid" and therefore not worth quoting, or even interviewing. Maybe the teens don't see this as such a big deal. Maybe the thought of sexuality and nudity is something to be embraced and not condemned. (I know there are people who will abuse this, but I'm not talking about that right now.) I would really like to know what these kids think of what they are doing. I'd like to give them a bit more credit that what comes across in this article.

And second, a group of students walked out of class to protest the Iraq war. Again, let's give these teens some credit for their intelligence and their desire to make some positive change in the world. Watch the video and definitely read the comments at the end of the article.

Give the kids more credit for what they are doing - they are most likely smarter than you think. And some of them are probably smarter than you are.

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