Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Increase in Racism?

The Southern Poverty Law Center has documented 888 hate groups in the United States. If you would like to know what these groups are and which ones are near you, take a look at their Hate Groups Map.

While the number of active groups has increased, I'm not sure that this indicates an increase in racism or hate in the US. This hate has always been around, but with an increased focus on immigrants to the country and with Barack Obama's presidential candidacy, the racists of the country are speaking out and becoming more organized. And this will only get worse as Obama wraps up the Democratic nomination and moves on to the general election. This could get really ugly, but at least one person thinks that its a good idea to bring all this out into the open. (Read this, then come back).

But the hate doesn't need to be open and violent, as seen in the Klan. Symbols of the past also remind us of the strict race-based society that existed until recently. Those who display these symbols also seem to want to return to "the good old days," where everyone "knew their place." So it is no surprise that a giant Confederate flag is being prepared for display in the South. What better way to remind everyone, black and white, that the ways of the past should not be forgotten.

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